James Wallace阿拉丁神灯奖提名委员
LightPlan(照明计划)|Design Director 设计总监
个人简介: | 照明计划的校长,位于西澳大利亚的珀斯。
我是一个实践照明设计师,并在1994年开始了我的第一次独立创业。我相信我对照明设计的程序设计,概念设计,设计发展,设计文献,项目管理/合同管理与有很深的理解。 1979年,我从南澳大利亚阿德莱德的摄政学院(Regency Institute)毕业,我现在是IES会员,也是IALD(国际照明设计师协会)的专业会员。 我认为我的经验来自于广泛的照明设计项目基础,这些项目涉及建筑内外空间、公共艺术、场所制作、城市美化、遗产保护、住宅、画廊和展览、景观、节日承现、工矿运营等领域。 除了项目设计工作外,我还在工作场所和外部公共领域的职业安全卫生照明相关问题的审计和状况报告方面获得了认可。我发明了这项工作的名称是“视觉工效学”。 现为中国照明设计师协会理事,担任国际发展执行理事,并担任照明学会西澳大利亚IES分会会长;曾担任IES工业工程师执行局董事;也是1996年珀斯召开的IES大会的召集人。 2015年,我开始了为期2年的IESANZ照明设计与应用的兼职课程,担任了一个临时职位。我目前的学术活动还包括 §-建筑照明来说(BA):西澳表演艺术学院。 §-照明设计(BA):四川大学美术学院、中国重庆。 除了我的专业活动,我还喜欢旅行,微型模型铁路建设,各种当代音乐,拥有一个小的葡萄酒收藏,看我最喜欢的足球队,和我的宠物pugaliers Jasper和Peggy一起度过时光。 |
企业简介: | Established in 2004, LightPlan is an independent boutique consultancy practice delivering a range of professional lighting design services our office in Perth, Australia.
Lighting is for people; at LightPlan we take a holistic approach to all assignments, whether large or small, interior or exterior. We reinforce the view that light is the 4th dimension in architecture and planning; therefore our designs strive to create the seamless integration between light and the built environment with the aim of creating a feeling of well-being, vibrancy and environmental pleasantness. As a fee-for-service design consultancy we work with passion and integrity to ensure our clients receive state-of-the-art advice, coupled with innovative practical solutions to their lighting projects. Through a pre-agreed brief and design process we work on our client’s behalf to realise an appropriate and distinctive luminous environment within an agreed budget and project time-lines. Our ability to conceptualize and implement unique yet practical lighting installations that are able to withstand the rigours of public activity is a skill that has been demonstrated repeatedly. LightPlan has a reputation as an experienced consultant in the fields of lighting strategy, nightscape planning, controlling the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting and visual ergonomics. Our expertise draws a broad base of interior and exterior architectural lighting design projects including building facades and streetscapes, place-making, heritage and conservation, museum, gallery and exhibitions, landscape, civic, public utility, sports, security, industrial/mining and ephemeral installations. LightPlan traditionally works as a project team-member alongside other architectural, design and engineering professions. We also work directly for the corporate community, all tiers of government, arts and exhibition organizations, mining and natural resources companies, occupational health and safety personnel, and the facilities management sector. Each project requires specific resources. Where appropriate, LightPlan will often assemble a team of individuals with disparate talents in the areas of lighting design, interior design, urban planning, engineering, graphics and architectural drafting, so as to fully service the needs of the lighting design project. LightPlan is co-owned and managed by James Wallace with over 30 years experience in the lighting industry, establishing his first independent lighting consultancy practice in 1994.(web:http://www.lightplan.net.au/) |